02 NOV 2019
World’s First AC Controllable Return Pumps
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Rossmont | Marine Aquariums
Rossmont, as you may know, is the company behind the revolutionary, controllable, AC powered wave pump called Mover. The Rossmont Riser and Riser RX are radical new pumps which on the surface looks pretty standard-issue, but beneath the skin hides some exciting new technology.   The models available are Rossmont Riser R3200, RX5000 and RX6600 which are great standalone AC pumps with a decent flow curves. What is the difference between an AC and DC pump? What’s the advantage of one over another? Many people are looking for a DC pump nowadays for its novelty and control features. However, an AC pump is more reliable because there is no power supply that can fail. The Rossmont AC pump is plugged directly into the wall outlet and it will operate normally at a fixed flow rate.  The main feature of these pumps are that if you use it as “stand-alone” it’s a standard AC pump, but if you plug into the Rossmont Waver controller it becomes an in.. [More] returnpumpfromrossmont.png
Tags : World’s First AC Controllable Return Pumps South Africa , Marine Reef Aquarium South Africa Comment 0 Comments
18 OCT 2019
How To Set Up A Marine Aquarium
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Marine Aquariums
A saltwater aquarium is often the pinnacle of every fish keepers’ dreams. The fascinating array of colours and behaviours, coupled with unique invertebrates and corals, can create a beautiful showpiece in any home. Marine aquariums are often accompanied with the preconception that they are harder to keep than freshwater setups. While marine fish are a little less tolerant of poor water quality, the same basic principles of care and maintenance apply to both.   Choosing the Marine Aquarium - Size, Shape & Positioning Marine aquariums can come in an array of shapes and sizes. A trip to your local specialist marine retailer will give you the chance to see the latest aquariums the hobby has to offer. A traditional marine setup would consist of an aquarium on a cabinet containing another aquarium inside (the sump filter). This modular filtration system suits marines as it allows most of the equipment to be hidden underneath the main aquarium. The water will drain f.. [More] startmarinetank.png
Tags : How To Set Up A Marine Reef Aquarium South Africa , Saltwater Reef Aquarium South Africa Comment 0 Comments
22 FEB 2019
The Balling Method
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Aquatics | Marine Aquariums | Marine Additives | Water Treatment | Kamoer | Coral Food | Oceanlife
Named after Hans-Werner Balling, the Balling Method solves the difficult problem of maintaining Calcium, Carbonate, Magnesium, and Trace Element levels in reef aquariums. The largest benefit of the Balling Method over other supplementation methods is control. Even the highest calcium and carbonate demands can be met, without the PH issues associated with Calcium Reactors. Because each additive is added independently from a container it allows the aquarist to fine tune their water chemistry.   The purpose of the balling Method is to sustain the aquarium parameters as follows: Calcium: 380 – 420 mg/Liter Magnesium: 1200 – 1350 mg/Liter Alkalinity: 6,5 – 8 dkH Salinity: 33 – 35 Promille The Balling Method is the most commonly used supplementation method for reef aquariums in Europe because it does not require any special skills. One only needs an accurate scale, liquid measuring container and water. It is best to use distilled, or at the very le.. [More] ballingmethod.jpg
Tags : The Marine Aquarium Balling Method South Africa , Reef Aquarium Balling Method South Africa , What Is The Balling Method South Africa , Reef Aquarium South Africa , Balling Marine Additives South Africa Comment 0 Comments
09 FEB 2019
Why Calcium Reactors For Reef Aquariums
Posted By : Guest Filed Under : Deltec | Coral Food | Aquatics | Fish | Marine Aquariums | Controllers | Calcium Reactors
Why do we need Calcium Reactors for reef aquariums? In nature, seawater bathes coral reefs and provides many minerals and elements. Of all the minerals and elements present in natural seawater, no mineral is consumed as quickly or in large amounts as calcium. Hard corals, which are the building blocks of the coral reef, demand large amounts of calcium to build their skeletons. Providing enough calcium to meet the demands of all the corals, invertebrates, and algae in a closed ecosystem creates a real challenge for the hobbyist.   To help you meet this challenge, consider adding a calcium reactor to your aquarium system. Calcium reactors automate the process of replenishing calcium as well as other minerals and trace elements. A calcium reactor is essentially a chamber full of aragonite, which is the crushed skeleton of ancient hard corals. Aquarium water is pumped through this chamber along with pressurized carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 lowers the pH in the chamber to an .. [More] coralreefaquarium.jpg
Tags : Why Calcium Reactors Is Important For Reef Aquariums South Africa , Calcium Reactor Reef Aquarium South Africa , Calcium Reactor Media Marine Corals Aquarium South Africa Comment 0 Comments
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